The NHibernate Criteria API allows performing dynamic, object oriented queries in NHibernate.
If I search for NHibernate Criteria API query examples in internet there are examples that use Restrictions and others use …
nhibernate nhibernate-criteriaI am trying to figure out how to best query in NHibernate so that the returned results are between for …
nhibernate date date-range nhibernate-criteriaI'm trying to use the following statement to get an entity with the fields I'm after: retVal = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(…
c# nhibernate nhibernate-criteriaUnion with NHibernate and Criteria: Is it possible in Criteria or QueryOver? If not, is there any other way to …
c# nhibernate union nhibernate-criteriaI am going to create this SQL query's Criteria equivalent: SQL: SELECT, book.title, orderitem.quantity FROM orderitem …
hibernate criteria nhibernate-criteriaI'm refactoring old-style query CreateCriteria() to QueryOver(). My Wcf service gets string PropertyName to order queries results. For IQueryable I …
nhibernate nhibernate-criteria queryoverI'm trying to do a like search against an integer column, what I need to do is actually cast the …
nhibernate nhibernate-criteria