Top "Nexus" questions

Nexus is a Repository Manager for Maven, NuGet and other binary artifact repositories.

Deploying Maven artifact to multiple repositories with different settings

We have numerous Java projects, which are CI built with Jenkins. These are deployed to our own Nexus server just …

java maven jenkins nexus
Deleting artifacts older than 2 years from local nexus repository

We're running nexus on some old hardware which is limited in disk space and would like to remove artifacts older …

Nexus supports Mass upload of artifacts?

I wanted to know if we can have mass upload of artifacts to the repository in Nexus.

maven-2 nexus artifacts
Where do I put my credentials when using Ivy and a private company repository?

I'm using Ant + Ivy, and my company has recently set up a Nexus server for our own private libraries. Ivy …

java ant ivy nexus
How can I use an Encrypted Password to a Maven Repository in Gradle

I'm currently trying to transisiton a maven build to a Gradle build. The show stopper hurdle I've hit is that …

encryption passwords maven nexus gradle
Can't use Nexus Repository Manager 3.0 default admin user

Just installed Nexus 3.0.0-03, started up, followed the doc, but can't login with default admin/admin123. The only error I …

nexus sonatype nexus3
Nexus 3 - File Upload to hosted Maven Repository

I want to upload some files to a newly generated hosted Maven Repository on my Nexus OSS 3 Instance. I need …

curl nexus sonatype
Sonatype Nexus 3 - get latest snapshot

We've just upgraded out nexus installation to the latest release (3.x). Is there any way to get the latest version …

java maven nexus nexus3
Setting a single server credentials in Maven for multiple repositories

Can I have multiple repositories in Maven settings.xml with a single server credentials? We're using Maven 3.0.4 to deploy artifacts …

maven credentials nexus
What are the gigantic *.CFS files all about in Eclipse workspace plugin folder?

I started to notice my WD drive getting full and ran a size:gigantic file search on it. It has …

eclipse plugins maven workspace nexus