Top "Next-generation-plugin" questions

The next-generation Java Plug-In, introduced in Java SE 6 Update 10, provides powerful new capabilities to applets in the web browser, while improving the overall reliability and functionality of applets in a backward-compatible manner.

What does the jp2launcher do in the applet program?

Run a page which contains Java applet, notice that a process called jp2launcher is running. What does this process …

java applet jvm next-generation-plugin
Copy/Paste not working in a signed Applet

I've a signed applet (which verifies correctly with jarsigner) that for some reason will not allow copy and paste from …

java applet clipboard next-generation-plugin signed-applet
How can I start an Java applet with more memory?

The default 64 MB max heap memory can be small for a large Java application. Are there any applet parameter to …

java memory applet next-generation-plugin
How to grant all permissions to java applet through JNLP without popups

We are launching an applet using jnlp The applet needs to load a native library The jar and the jnlp …

java security applet jnlp next-generation-plugin
JNLP as a Applet in HTML page

I'm trying to run my JNLP within an HTML page, but the java plugin does not run the JNLP, runs …

java applet jnlp next-generation-plugin