Top "Network-programming" questions

Programming associated with creating and managing networks as well as adding network connectivity to a (set of) programs.

LWIP + RTOS - how to avoid netconn block the thread forever?

When the LwIP netconn_accept() or netconn_recv() function is called, if we are using a RTOS, it will block …

c network-programming embedded rtos lwip
add and remove IP addresses to an interface using ioctl or netlink

Is there anyway to add and remove IP addresses from an interface (like loopback) in C? I found ioctl and …

c network-programming ioctl ifconfig
How to use Tor control protocol in C#?

I'm trying to send commands to the Tor control port programmatically to make it refresh the chain. I haven't been …

c# .net network-programming tcpclient tor
Is epoll thread-safe?

There are two functions in epoll: epoll_ctl epoll_wait Are they thread-safe when I use the same epoll_fd? …

c multithreading sockets network-programming epoll
Magic packet for Wake on Wireless LAN?

How to construct & send the magic packet for Wake on Wireless LAN? The Wikipedia article on the subject only …

networking network-programming network-protocols wake-on-lan
How to Create a Virtual Network Adapter in .NET?

I would like to create/add a virtual network adapter to a client operating system at runtime (via code), preferably …

c# sockets networking network-programming vpn
Python send and receive RTP packets

I want to send multimedia data over RTP. What I wnat to know is how to send and receive RTP …

python network-programming gstreamer rtp python-gstreamer
Confusion in htons- little endian/ big endian

When I send a integer variable from one process to other through socket, and then printing the value at received …

c network-programming endianness htonl
How is it possible to have send timeout on a non blocking socket?

I have some problems understanding the working of sockets in Linux. setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, &timeout, sizeof(…

sockets network-programming setsockopt
Where is the Don't Fragment Bit of the IP Flags used?

I am curious to know where the "Don't Fragment" [DF] Bit of the IP Flags is used. As fragmentation is …

c++ c networking network-programming network-protocols