Top "Nettcpbinding" questions

The net.

Can't get netTcpBinding requests to show up in Fiddler

I have a WCF service that has two endpoints. One with basicHttpBinding and one with netTcpBinding. Here is my config... &…

c# wcf fiddler nettcpbinding
Can you do NetTcpBinding in code? Should you?

WCF newbie here... I'm trying to self-host a WCF service using NetTcpBinding. Based on the MSDN "how-to" tutorial I have …

c# wcf nettcpbinding
Enabling certificate based authentication for WCF service using netTcpBinding

I have a WCF service which is exposed using a single endpoint with netTcpBinding which sits on Server A, hosted …

wcf authentication .net-4.0 x509certificate nettcpbinding
How to use a WCF Dual Service over the internet?

I followed this tutorial (at least based my WCF in this, coz I need then to work alike): http://www.…

wcf callback nettcpbinding wsdualhttpbinding
WCF NetTCPBinding vs HttpBinding difference in data sent on wire

Say I have a service exposing two end points, 1st is a NetTCPBinding the second is any flavour of HttpBinding. …

wcf wcf-binding nettcpbinding wshttpbinding basichttpbinding
How do configure username/password authentication for WCF netTcpBinding?

I would like to be able to use username/password authentication with nettcpbinding, is that possible? (UserNamePasswordValidator or something like …

wcf authentication username nettcpbinding
Cancel a long running task over WCF from client

I have a WCF service set to PerCall I would like to know how I can send a Start call …

c# .net wcf nettcpbinding long-running-processes
WCF + net.tcp Communication Timeout problem

I have some critical problem in my project. During transaction time with (wcf + netTCP) I was getting the exception is. …

wcf nettcpbinding net-tcp
netTcpBinding without Windows credentials?

I've got a machine-control application where I have a single client computer and five server boxes communicating on the machine …

wcf credentials nettcpbinding
WCF is slow when reliable session is ON and with burst async request

For experiments, I created a simple "Hello World" WCF service and client using .NET 4.5 on VS2012. The server is hosted …

.net wcf nettcpbinding ws-reliablemessaging