Top "Netstat" questions

netstat (network statistics) is a command-line tool that displays network connections (both incoming and outgoing), routing tables, and a number of network interface statistics.

Why is my socket's open port not listed by netstat?

If you run this example, you'll see the port is never listed by netstat. Why? And how do I make …

c sockets winapi winsock netstat
How do I determine if a port is in use, e.g. via netstat?

I am trying to check port availability and get a return value using shell script. Example: if port 8080 is free …

shell unix port netstat
Breaking out of FOR in batch

My current line of batch code is: for /L %%a in (8000,1,8100) do netstat /a /n | find "%%a" | find "LISTENING" || set …

batch-file for-loop cmd netstat
PowerShell: Get-NetTCPConnection script that also shows Username & Process Name

I created a script to output Get-NetTCPConnection data but additionally show Process Name and Username. The script does work, but …

windows powershell netstat
How To Monitor Network Activity From Within App?

I'm trying to monitor network activity on my iPhone from within an app I'm developing. Does iOS support a netstat-like …

iphone objective-c ios netstat cfnetwork
Remote access to namenode is not allowed despite the services are already started.

I successfully installed and run Hadoop on a single machine whose ip is (In fact it is actually an Ubuntu …

java ubuntu hadoop hdfs netstat
netstat -na : udp and state established?

In an application (voip rtp media server), netstat -na on the server ( bound to udp port 1286) gives the following line : …

networking udp netstat
Network Activity Monitoring on iPhone

I've been working for 5 days trying to learn and implement Network monitor on the iPhone. I looked into netstat code …

ios iphone ipad tcp netstat
When using Docker, ESTABLISHED connections don't appear in netstat

I have a docker container running on RHEL 7 with Docker 1.7.0. The program which running in this container listens for TCP …

sockets docker netstat
netstat -i what is meant by the metric value of the given interface?

When using netstat -i you get output like the following sample: Iface MTU Met RX-OK RX-ERR RX-DRP RX-OVR TX-OK TX-ERR …
