Top "Nerdtree" questions

NERD tree is a plugin for the Vim text editor.

How to jump back to NERDTree from file in tab?

I usually: Choose the needed file. Open it in a tab(t character, by default). But how I can jump …

vim ide nerdtree
vim "modifiable" is off

Trying to create a new file with nerd tree. I hit the a key to create a new file and …

vim vi macvim nerdtree
vim and NERD Tree extension - adding a file

When using the vim editor with the NERDTree plugin to navigate through the tree of your project, is there an …

vim nerdtree
How to add NERDTree to your .vimrc

How do I add NERDTree to my .vimrc?

vim nerdtree
Switching between tabs in NERDTree

I've just started using the NERDTree vim plugin for my project. I can't find the documentation for switching between opened …

vim nerdtree
NERDTree reload new files

If I add a file to the same directory opened in NERDTree, the only way I can see the file …

vim nerdtree
How can I show hidden files (starting with period) in NERDTree?

How can I make NERDTree show files that begin with an . (period)? I have a file named .hgignore in a …

windows vim nerdtree
VIM: How can i open a file at right side as vsplit from a left side NerdTree panel?

I installed NerdTree plugin. How can i open a file at right side as vsplit from a left side NerdTree …

vim plugins editor nerdtree
How to open a file in new tab by default in NERDTree?

I want a file to be opened in a new tab when I enter or double click it. I know …

vim nerdtree
Create a command shortcut for NERDTree in Vim editor

I'd like to create an abbreviation for NERDTree on the command-line. I find it annoying have to write :NERDTree every …

vim command-line command nerdtree