Provides navigation drawer access.
How I can put a divider without title Subgroup in the new NavigationView? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <…
android android-support-library divider navigationview android-navigationviewI'm using NavigationView from android design support library and toolbar and everything works fine, but I want to know how …
android icons navigationviewI want to add a onClickListener to navigation view header's items like changing a TextView text or set an image …
android androiddesignsupport navigationviewAs the title says, I want to know if there is any way to control views inside the NavigationView header? (…
android navigationviewMy NavigationView onClick event is not working. Here are the code snippets I tried one by one, but nothing worked: …
java android material-design navigationviewI have an activity which hosts a DrawerLayout and NavigationView from support library. I'm setting a header layout to the …
android navigation-drawer material-design androiddesignsupport navigationviewI have a navigation drawer like this image. I want to add a section separator . It seems simple but I …
android android-menu navigationviewI'm following the post "Android design library NavigationView with footer" to add buttons at the bottom of NavigationView. The problem …
android drawerlayout navigationviewIs there a way to hide the arrow to the right of the navigation link view that is automatically added? …
swiftui navigationviewMy question is related to recently released Navigation View from Design Support Library. I want to position Log In at …
android navigationview