Top "Navigationview" questions

Provides navigation drawer access.

How to get dividers in NavigationView menu without titles?

I am using the new NavigationView to create my navigation drawer menu from XML. I need to place a divider …

android android-menu divider navigationview
Changing the item text size in navigation view

I am creating a navigation drawer in android and I have added the items in menu_main.xml but I …

android navigationview
Customising NavigationView - Adding dynamic headerView, Android Support Design Library

I tried the navigationView from the new android support design library. I want to have a dynamic headerview. Basically, my …

android navigation-drawer android-design-library androiddesignsupport navigationview
Default Navigation Drawer View to ExpandableListView

In Android Studio 2.1.2, if i create a default navigation activity I get this view: Which uses the following activity_main.…

java android expandablelistview navigationview android-navigationview
How to set shared checkable behavior across all groups in NavigationView?

I've created two groups with unique ids (I need a divider) and they both have checkableBehavior set to single. This …

android navigation-drawer android-support-library material-design navigationview
How to style the Design Support library's NavigationView?

So I'm using the NavigationView provided by Android Design Support Library I can't seem to find examples on how to …

android material-design android-support-library androiddesignsupport navigationview
Change Navigation View Item Color Dynamically Android

I'd like to build a navigation drawer where each item has a different selection color (the icon tint and text …

android drawerlayout androiddesignsupport navigationview
Getting Error inflating class

I was following a tutorial on implementing the navigationView from the design support library and I just can't get away …

java android material-design androiddesignsupport navigationview
how to change size of navigation view menu items and text?? How to change space between menu?

I am making a sliding menu. I have successfully created a navigation drawer and menu items inside the navigation view …

java android space navigationview
ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "$styleable"

Hi I am using NavigationView but I am getting error, below is my xml, I have already included android support …

android android-5.0-lollipop navigationview