Top "Navigateurl" questions

Loads the document at the location indicated by the specified Uri into the WebBrowser control, replacing the previous document.

Router Navigate does not call ngOnInit when same page

I am calling router.navigate on same page with some query string parameters. In this case, ngOnInit() does not call. …

angular navigateurl ngoninit
.NET C#: WebBrowser control Navigate() does not load targeted URL

I'm trying to programmatically load a web page via the WebBrowser control with the intent of testing the page & …

c# .net controls browser navigateurl
Angular 5 router.navigate does not work

I'm trying to redirect a user to another page based on some condition. Here's my example login component: ngOnInit() { console.…

angular redirect routing navigateurl
How to hide a query string parameter in the url

I've a panel bar with some items in it. When I right click on the items and if I select "… query-string navigateurl
How to cancel or dispose current navigation at WebBrowser element

I am developing a C#, .NET Framework 4.0 application. It visits some pages with an order. Sometimes I have to move …

c# navigation browser navigateurl
Navigate a URL with Query string values on click of hyperlink

I have a control with 'email' and 'password' textboxes and a 'autoLogin' checkbox. All are web form controls (not html …

c# query-string navigateurl
how to unit test router.navigate in angular app

I am running unit test for angular app, I want to unit test if navigation is working correctly in angular …

angular unit-testing router navigateurl