Top "Naming-conventions" questions

Naming conventions refer to general rules governing names assigned to programming constructs such as variables and methods.

Should a "static final Logger" be declared in UPPER-CASE?

In Java, static final variables are constants and the convention is that they should be in upper-case. However, I have …

java static naming-conventions final logging
Naming convention for unique constraint

Naming conventions are important, and primary key and foreign key have commonly used and obvious conventions (PK_Table and FK_…

sql sql-server naming-conventions unique-constraint
Python Fibonacci Generator

I need to make a program that asks for the amount of Fibonacci numbers printed and then prints them like 0, 1, 1, 2... …

python fibonacci naming-conventions
Singular or plural controller and helper names in Rails

Is there any disadvantage to using singular names for controllers and helpers? Nothing seems to rely on this. It even …

ruby-on-rails naming-conventions
What are conventions for filenames in Go?

I could find the conventions for naming packages in Go: no underscore between words, everything lowercase. Does this convention apply …

go naming-conventions
Go naming conventions for const

I'm trying to determine whether there is a naming convention for the names of const in Golang. I personally would …

go constants naming-conventions
Naming convention for assets (images, css, js)?

I am still struggling to find a good naming convention for assets like images, js and css files used in …

Is there a standard naming convention for XML elements?

Is there any standard, de facto or otherwise, for XML documents? For example which is the "best" way to write …

xml coding-style naming-conventions
Java data transfer object naming convention?

Given this scenario where you have "transfer objects" (POJO's with just getters/setters) which are passed by a client library …

java naming-conventions data-transfer-objects
Primary key/foreign Key naming convention

In our dev group we have a raging debate regarding the naming convention for Primary and Foreign Keys. There's basically …

sql database-design naming-conventions