Naming conventions refer to general rules governing names assigned to programming constructs such as variables and methods.
I read that it is best practise to have table names in Pascal Case (ThisIsMyTableName). Therefor I would like to …
mysql naming-conventions camelcasing pascalcasingIs there a standard naming convention for DAO methods, similar to JavaBeans? For example, one naming convention I've seen is …
java design-patterns naming-conventions daoIn Ruby, a standard convention is to use a question mark at the end of a method name to indicate …
programming-languages naming-conventions special-characters method-namesWhat are for you the pros and cons of using: FooLib::Plugins FooLib::Plugins::Bar vs. FooLib::Plugin FooLib::Plugin::…
ruby module namespaces naming-conventions namingI've got a couple of questions about the naming convention for the DisplayTemplates and EditorTemplates in MVC 2. If for example … model-view-controller naming-conventions dynamic-dataI'm building a C# app that will likely contain a couple resource files to store strings for use in language …
c# resources naming-conventions translationWhat's the naming convention for constants in Objective-C (or most widely used way to name them)? Is there a different …
objective-c naming-conventions constants externI'm trying to figure out what is the smartest way to name private methods and private static methods in C#. …
c# naming-conventions private-methodsI see go a lot when reading Haskell material or source, but I've never been really comfortable about it - (…
haskell naming-conventionsWhen dealing with MySQL, I typically use the BOOLEAN type, which is equivalent to TINYINT(1), or 1/0 In most languages I …
sql naming-conventions project-planning