Top "Names" questions

"names" (plural) is an attribute of some R objects in the R language

appending to a list with dynamic names

I have a list in R: a <- list(n1 = "hi", n2 = "hello") I would like to append to …

r list append names
feature names from sklearn pipeline: not fitted error

I'm working with scikit learn on a text classification experiment. Now I would like to get the names of the …

python scikit-learn feature-selection names
how to assign to the names() attribute of the value of a variable in R

In R, "assign('x',v)" sets the object whose name is 'x' to v. Replace 'x' by the result of …

r attributes names lvalue
R: access field values

I would like to know how I can access the individual fields contained in an R object. Or, more precisely, …

r object names
Go library package names

I have some questions on package naming for external Go libraries. I am interested if using generic names like "text" …

go package names
Extracting just a string element from a pandas dataframe

Okay, so say I have a pandas dataframe x, and I'm interested in extracting a value from it: > x.…

python list names
How to get column names from Hibernate query result in Java?

I'm writing a Java app that uses Hibernate to get data, in my app I have an input text area …

java hibernate names
rbind data.frames without names

I am trying to figure out why the rbind function is not working as intended when joining data.frames without …

r dataframe names rbind
Naming array dimensions gives error: length of 'dimnames' not equal to array extent

This is my first time using a 3 dimensional array and I am having problems about naming the third dimension. ReplicateData &…

arrays r dimensions names
Concatenating Variable Names in C?

Is it possible to concatenate variable names in C? Specifically, I have a struct that contains 6 similar variables in it …

c variables names