Top "Mysqldump" questions

MySQL is a free, open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) that uses Structured Query Language (SQL).

Enable binary mode while restoring a Database from an SQL dump

I am extremely new to MySQL and am running it on Windows. I am trying to restore a Database from …

mysql database mysqldump database-restore
MySQLDump one INSERT statement for each data row

with the following statement: mysqldump --complete-insert --lock-all-tables --no-create-db --no-create-info --extended-insert --password=XXX -u XXX --dump-date yyy > yyy_dataOnly.sql …

mysqldump with create database line

I'm in the process of moving my files onto another computer, and one thing I would like to do is …

mysql database backup mysqldump
Where does WAMP server store database files

My hard-drive has encountered some problems and I am unable to boot Windows with it. I am able to view …

windows windows-xp database wamp mysqldump
Dump File MySQL 5.6.10

I was trying to create a dump file from my MySQL database, but when I try it always gives me …

mysql mysqldump dump
restore all mysql database from a --all-database sql.gz file

I've backed all my mysql databases with he following command mysqldump -u root -ppasswod --all-databases | gzip > all.sql.gz …

mysql backup mysqldump database-restore
How to skip row when importing bad MySQL dump

Given bad mysqldump that causes error on import: namtar backups # mysql -p < 2010-12-01.sql Enter password: ERROR 1062 (23000) at …

mysql bash backup mysqldump mysql-error-1062
Minimum GRANTs needed by mysqldump for dumping a full schema? (TRIGGERs are missing!!)

I have a MySQL user called dump with the following perms: GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'dump'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY ... …

mysql database mysqldump database-backups grant
Import single database from --all-databases dump

Is it possible to import a single database from an --all-databases mysqldump? I guess I can modify the file manually …

mysql database import mysqldump
MySQL import database but ignore specific table

I have a large SQL file with one database and about 150 tables. I would like to use mysqlimport to import …

mysql mysqldump mysqlimport