I have the following query in Ms-Sql
INSERT INTO tbl_web_price_update
Select bd_book_code,
When pd.bpd_price is null then
cast((a.bd_price*c.ptm_price) as numeric(10))
cast((pd.bpd_price*c.ptm_price) as numeric(10))
As Price
from tbl_books_details a
inner join tbl_price_type_master c on a.bd_price_type = c.ptm_price_type_id
left join tbl_books_price_details pd on pd.bpd_book_code = a.bd_book_code
Where c.ptm_price_type_id = @price_type
SELECT distinct r.price, STUFF((SELECT distinct ','+ Cast(a.bd_book_code as varchar) FROM tbl_web_price_update a WHERE r.price = a.price FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.','VARCHAR(max)'), 1, 1, '') FROM tbl_web_price_update r
I have migrated from ms-sql to my-sql and i am unable to write an alternative query in Mysql. Please Help.
It looks like you're looking for something like this
SELECT price, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT bd_book_code) bd_book_code
FROM tbl_web_price_update
GROUP BY price
Here is SQLFiddle demo