Top "Mysql-num-rows" questions

Retrieves the number of rows from a result set.

With mysql_fetch_array I can easily count the rows returned. Can I do something similar with mysql_fetch_object?

(Apologies if necessary--my first Stack Overflow question. I'll be happy to modify it if anyone has suggestions. I have looked …

php mysql oop mysql-num-rows
MySQL mysql_num_rows();

I am not sure as to why. But the code I have created below is not working. The variable: "$num_…

php mysql mysql-num-rows
PHP and MySQL: Number of rows returned

How can I see how many rows the following query returns? mysql_select_db($database_aoldatabase, $aoldatabase); $query1 = "select * from …

php mysql sql mysql-num-rows
Proper way to ask if mysql_num_rows in PHP

Because mysql_num_rows returns false if there are no rows returned, would it be best to do: $query = mysql_…

php mysql mysql-num-rows
PHP MySQLi num_rows Always Returns 0

I have built a class which leverages the abilities of PHP's built-in MySQLi class, and it is intended to simplify …

php mysql oop mysqli mysql-num-rows
mysql_num_rows in laravel?

im trying to use mysql_num_rows in laravel but laravel says it not the same way like in 'raw …

sql laravel mysql-num-rows laravel-query-builder
num_rows not working in Object Oriented method

I'm a beginner in php & mysql. The num_rows is not working in the below basic example. The whole …

php mysql database mysql-num-rows object-oriented-database
Codeigniter get number of row from search query

I have a query in my controller which searches for the term/keyword that is in the url. Example /search/…

php codeigniter mysql-num-rows