Top "Multiplication" questions

Multiplication is the mathematical operation of scaling one number by another.

Multiplying variables and doubles in swift

I'm a designer looking into learning Swift and I'm a beginner. I have no experience whatsoever. I'm trying to create …

swift variables double multiplication
Measuring time in C

I'm trying to measure some activity in C (Matrix multiplying) and noticed that I should do something like this: clock_…

c time matrix multiplication
Bitwise Multiply and Add in Java

I have the methods that do both the multiplication and addition, but I'm just not able to get my head …

java bit-manipulation bitwise-operators multiplication addition
Is integer multiplication really done at the same speed as addition on a modern CPU?

I hear this statement quite often, that multiplication on modern hardware is so optimized that it actually is at the …

c++ performance cpu multiplication addition
How to multiply all values in an array?

I have an assignment where I need to find the product of all of the numbers in an array, I'm …

c# arrays multiplication
Bash Multiplying Decimal to int

I read price from user input. When i multiply the input with int like this T="$((PRICE*QTY))"|bc; gives …

bash decimal multiplication
Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication

Can someone please explain strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication in an intuitive way? I've gone through (well, tried to go …

algorithm matrix multiplication strassen
Division result is always zero

I got this C code. #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { int n, d, i; double t=0, k; …

c double division multiplication integer-division
Signed & unsigned integer multiplication

In fixed point math I use a lot of 16bit signals and perform multiplication with 32bit intermediate results. For example: …

c math types multiplication fixed-point
Python list multiplication: [[...]]*3 makes 3 lists which mirror each other when modified

Why this is happening? I don't really understand: >>> P = [ [()]*3 ]*3 >>> P [[(), (), ()], [(), (), ()], [(), (), ()]] >>> P[0][0]=1 &…

python list multiplication