MSDTC is an acronym for Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator.
I have a BizTalk server and a SQL server which BizTalk sends messages via WCF-SQL to. The BizTalk server has …
sql-server biztalk msdtc biztalk-2013Our team have got a problem that manifests as: The underlying provider failed on EnlistTransaction; Cannot access a disposed object.…
c# entity-framework oracle10g transactionscope msdtcUsing Entity Framework (code first in my case), I have an operation that requires me to call SaveChanges to update …
entity-framework sql-server-2012 transactionscope entity-framework-5 msdtcI have been working on a winform app with Oracle 10g database which is using TransactionScope and wanted to modify …
c# transactions oracle10g transactionscope msdtcI'm trying to use TransactionScope for unit tests and I keep getting errors on our build server. After following several …
transactionscope msdtcThis problem is not readily reproducible in a simple example here but was wondering if anyone has any experience and …
entity-framework transactions msdtcare there any alternative to transactionScope which does not need to enable DTC?? In the transaction I need to make …
c# .net-4.0 transactions transactionscope msdtc1/ The following code snippet show me the expected error: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_... SET …
sql-server msdtcI came across this very odd situation, and i thought i would throw it up to the crowd to find …
sql sql-server linked-server msdtcI'm currently upgrading an app to SQL 2008 / Server 2008 R2 x64 and I'm seeing some strange behaviour that I have not …
sql-server-2008 transactions windows-server-2008-r2 msdtc