Top "Mscapi" questions

The Cryptographic Application Programming Interface (MS-CAPI) is an application programming interface included with Microsoft Windows operating systems that provides services to enable developers to secure Windows-based applications using cryptography

Window C/C++ Crypto API Examples and tips

I'm asking this question because I've spent the best part of a day trawling through msdn docs and other opaque …

c++ c windows cryptoapi mscapi
How to work with CryptoAPI via C#?

There is a group of CryptoApi functions which works with crypto service providers (CSP). CPAcquireContext CPCreateHash CPDecrypt CPDeriveKey CPDestroyHash CPDestroyKey …

c# .net cryptography cryptoapi mscapi
Digital Signature SunMSCAPI provider & MS Crypto API

I want to sign file with the SunMSCAPI provider. As public key and signatures needs to be imported using MS …

java rsa digital-signature cryptoapi mscapi