Top "Msbuildcommunitytasks" questions

The MSBuild Community Tasks Project is an open source project for MSBuild tasks.

MSBuild Community Tasks Documentation

Is it just me or is the documentation on this project really scarce? I'm trying to find how to use …

msbuild documentation ftp msbuildcommunitytasks
MSBuild and creating ZIP files

Here is my build script: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <Project xmlns=""&…

msbuild zip msbuildcommunitytasks
MSBuild ReadLinesFromFile all text on one line

When I do a ReadLinesFromFile on a file in MSBUILD and go to output that file again, I get all …

deployment msbuild msbuild-task msbuildcommunitytasks
How do I update an XML attribute from an MSBuild script?

I am using MSBuild and MSBuild Community Tasks (using XMLUpdate and XMLMassUpdate) to update various sections of my Web.config …

xml msbuild msbuildcommunitytasks
MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Attrib on x64 machine failing

I'm having an issue with the Attrib task from the MSBuild Community Tasks Project when running on a 64 bit build …

msbuild 64-bit msbuildcommunitytasks
MSBuild MSBuildCommunityTasks Task Time

I have a MSBuild project and I want the current date to be added to a zip file that I …

msbuild msbuild-task msbuildcommunitytasks
How do I import the msbuildcommunitytasks project from another msbuild project with a relative file path?

Please go easy I am new to msbuild and msbuildtasks! How can I set a property which represents a relative …

msbuild msbuildcommunitytasks
msbuild fileupdate setup project

I'm looking to use the fileUpdate task from to modify image src's as part of our web …

msbuild msbuildcommunitytasks
MSBuild ItemGroup with condition

I don't know if ItemGroup is the right type to use. I will get 4 different booleans that will be true …

msbuild msbuild-task msbuild-4.0 msbuildcommunitytasks msbuildextensionpack
MSBuild Extension Pack vs MSBuild Community Tasks

I am just starting to make custom MSBuild scripts for the first time. I see that there are two standard …

.net msbuild build-automation msbuildcommunitytasks msbuildextensionpack