Message queuing telemetry transport, or MQTT, is a publish/subscribe messaging protocol designed to minimize network bandwidth usage and device resource requirements.
I am trying to use SSL with MQTT and gets following error, 1379677998: Client connection from failed: error:1408F10B:SSL …
mqtt mosquittoSince specifying the clienID is only a feature in the class MqttAndroidClient, and can not be specified when using classes …
android mqtt broker paho android-open-accessoryCurrently developing something like "smart home" and I have few different devices in my home. All of them connected to …
python mqtt pahoI'm using paho to send and receive mqtt messages. So far it has been no problem to send the messages. …
java mqtt pahoI am new to MQTT and I just learned about the meaning of the QOS level that is decided when …
publish-subscribe mqtt qosI'm using c# MQTT Client clientSub = new MqttClient("raspberrymachine100"); and when I connect with this C# client, I get the …
mqtt mosquittoI'm trying to write a simulation and i want to be able to run the simulation. I get an error …
scala mqtt load-testing gatling gatling-pluginI have just started learning using MQTT protocol with Android Studio. Using mosquitto broker, I am able to exchange messages …
android android-studio mqtt iot mosquittoAssume that I connected to the broker with "clean session=false" and started receiving events, in case of disconnection ideally …
mqttI have a virtual machine that is supposed to be the host, which can receive and send data. The first …
networking mqtt iot mosquitto