Assume that I connected to the broker with "clean session=false" and started receiving events, in case of disconnection ideally my application will still receive data on connection. But if the application is crashed I want to have a fresh start and clear my session.
Can I clear my session on the MQTT broker and have a fresh start?
From the documentation I concluded that if I wanted to do that I would need to do the following:
application start
connect using "clean session=true" // this will cause any current session to be removed along with its data
every thing related to the session is purged from server
connect using "clean session=false" and start getting the data.
I got the idea from
"If clean session is set to true, the broker won’t store anything for the client and will also purge all information from a previous persistent session."
Is this the correct way to clear a previous session?
Yes, that is the only way to clear a session for a client.