Top "Mpmovieplayercontroller" questions

A movie player (of type MPMoviePlayerController) manages the playback of a movie from a file or a network stream.

Detect when a webview video becomes fullscreen on ios8

I have an app where users can open videos from UIWebview, including Youtube ones. In iOS7, I was able to …

ios video uiwebview youtube mpmovieplayercontroller
iPhone development mpmovieplayer crashing

I am working on an app that will let me play different videos on the iPad remotely with an iPhone. …

ios mpmovieplayercontroller
Next/Previous buttons on iPhone MPMoviePlayerController

When using the MPMoviePlayerController, the play button is surrounded with "Next" and "Previous" buttons. How do I get notifications when …

iphone mpmovieplayercontroller
MPMoviePlayer done button issue

I am using a MPMoviePlayer to display a video. I go into full screen and when the done button is …

iphone objective-c ios mpmovieplayercontroller
How to play movie files with no file extension on iOS with MPMoviePlayerController or AVPlayer?

I want to play a movie in iOS 4.3 on the iPad. I've successfully used MPMoviePlayerController and AVPlayer to load files …

iphone ios mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer
MPMoviePlayerController will not automatically dismiss movie after finish playing (ios 6)

I may not have worded my title very well, maybe more correct to say my NSNotification isn't dismissing my movie's …

video ios6 mpmovieplayercontroller movie nsnotification
MPMoviePlayerController fullscreen movie inside a UIWebView

I'm having a problem with the UIWebView and MPMoviePlayerController: My UIWebView have a movie inside the html (it's a local …

iphone uiwebview mpmovieplayercontroller
Get the dimensions of video programmatically in objective c

I am a beginner in iOS development. I am developing an application where I require the size of a video …

iphone objective-c ios cocoa-touch mpmovieplayercontroller
airplay in simulator - objective-c

I've set "allowsAirPlay" to "YES" in my MPMoviePlayerController, but AirPlay button doesn't appear. Does iOS simulator support AirPlay? And give …

objective-c ios mpmovieplayercontroller airplay
MPMoviePlayerController deprecated, what now?

So I have been searching for a solution now when MPMoviePlayerController is getting deprecated. my current code works fine: moviePlayer = …

ios swift mpmovieplayercontroller avplayer