Top "Mouseevent" questions

A general tag for user-interface events that are generated by the mouse.

Detect both left and right mouse click at the same time?

I'm remaking windows Minesweeper (from XP) and something they had included was that if you click a number with as …

c# click mouseevent mouse mouseclick-event
How can I capture mouse events that occur outside of a (WPF) window?

I have a Window element that has WindowStyle="None" and AllowsTransparency="True", therefore it has no title bar and supports …

c# wpf window mouseevent capture
Why are mouseDragged-events not received when using MouseAdapter?

Why are mouseDragged-events only received when using MouseMotionAdapter and not when using MouseAdapter ? Java has two abstract adapter classes for …

java mouseevent
JQuery mouseup outside window – possible?

I am trying to accomplish a rudimentary drag. On mousedown the item starts dragging, but not at the same speed …

jquery mouseevent
as3 mouseEnabled still a problem for me

A couple years in now, there's still something about mouseEnabled I'm not getting. I have a Sprite (for example here "…

actionscript-3 mouseevent displayobject
Why is the TreeViewItem's MouseDoubleClick event being raised multiple times per double click?

XAML <TreeView Name="GroupView" ItemsSource="{Binding Documents}"> <TreeView.ItemContainerStyle> <Style TargetType="{x:Type TreeViewItem}"> &…

wpf treeview mouseevent treeviewitem
How to pan Image inside PictureBox

I have a custom PictureBox which can zoom in using MouseWheel event. Now I want to add a panning feature …

c# winforms mouseevent picturebox pan
I want to make a text field editable only when a check box is selected in Netbeans

I am using Netbeans, and I want it so a text field is only editable when the user clicks the …

java swing mouseevent actionlistener itemlistener
How can I add a listener on the ok button of JOptionPane?

How can I add a listener on the click of "OK" button of JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE. My JOptionPane is: JOptionPane.…

java swing mouseevent joptionpane
Jquery / JS bind "paste" event handler to input textbox

Allright, SO i have an input box and I need to do things everytime it changes, I am having trouble …

javascript jquery event-handling mouseevent paste