Top "Mouse-cursor" questions

Use this tag for questions concerning how to change the shape and style of a mouse cursor.

CSS cursor:pointer in mac Safari doesn't work

I have placed cursor:pointer on a td but in Safari (on a mac) it only displays the default mouse …

css cross-browser mouse-cursor safari
Global override of mouse cursor with JavaScript

In my web application I try to implement some drag and drop functionality. I have a global JavaScript component which …

javascript html css mouse-cursor
Changing mouse-cursor

I have seen in some applications the cursor changing. How do you do that? Thanks

actionscript-3 mouse-cursor
Changing the mouse's i-beam cursor in Xcode 4

With a dark color scheme in Xcode 4 the i-beam cursor (aka text selection cursor) is nearly invisible. Is there a …

xcode macos colors mouse-cursor
When I click on a canvas and drag my mouse, the cursor changes to a text-selection cursor. How can I prevent this?

Here's a fiddle: Note: The following occurs in Chrome 22.0.1221.1, but not in Firefox 14.0.1. [Ubuntu linux] …

javascript css google-chrome mouse-cursor
Don't change cursor over TextBox

I am trying to make a TextBox look like a TextBlock to the user (it is in a treeview that …

c# wpf textbox mouse-cursor
Setting the mouse cursor for a particular JTable cell

I have a JTable with a set of uneditable cells and I want all the cells in a particular column …

java swing jtable mouse-cursor tablecellrenderer
How to change the cursor to a watch in GTK for C?

I'm using the C-style GTK functions in C++ and I can't figure out how to set the cursor for the …

c gtk mouse-cursor
VC++ win32 API programming :how to change mouse cursor

I am trying to change the mouse cursor and write the code below but doesn't work. It seems IDC_CURSOR_…

winapi visual-c++ mouse-cursor