When I click on a canvas and drag my mouse, the cursor changes to a text-selection cursor. How can I prevent this?

shino picture shino · Aug 4, 2012 · Viewed 9.7k times · Source

Here's a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MZ9Xm/

Note: The following occurs in Chrome 22.0.1221.1, but not in Firefox 14.0.1. [Ubuntu linux]

Move your mouse to the top canvas and press and hold the mouse button. Drag the mouse, and the cursor will change to a text-selection mouse cursor (I-bar). This does not happen if there are no other elements on the page.

I've messed around with setting user-selection to none, but have not had any luck.


davidbuzatto picture davidbuzatto · Aug 4, 2012

You can bind a mousedown event in your canvas to prevent default behavior.

Something like:

// with jQuery
$( "#canvasId" ).mousedown(function(event){

// without jQuery
document.getElementById( "canvasId" ).onmousedown = function(event){

Here is the updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/MZ9Xm/1/

You will need to test this to see if there is some side effect in what you are doing.