Mongoid is the official Ruby Object-Document-Mapper (ODM) for MongoDB.
So I'm writing a rspec test. It will test if a model is duplicated correctly. So the spec is something …
ruby-on-rails rspec mongoidMy question is similar to this one How to skip ActiveRecord callbacks? but instead of AR I'm using Mongoid, It …
ruby-on-rails ruby activerecord mongoidI tried @posts =[:page]).per_page(10) and @posts = Post.paginate(:page => 1, :per_page => 10) but neither …
pagination mongoidI can't seem to find anything to make a date range query using Mongoid/Rails. Below are some queries I've …
ruby-on-rails mongodb mongoidI'm using MongoDB via Mongoid integration, as well as ActiveRecord in a project. I would like to generate migrations for …
ruby-on-rails activerecord mongoid mongodbLet’s say you have the following mongoid documents: class User include Mongoid::Document embeds_one :name end class UserName …
ruby-on-rails embed mongoid factory-bot fixturesThe MongoID docs seem to be pretty clear that I should be able to run this and have it work: …
ruby mongodb mongoidUsing Mongoid, let's say I have the following classes: class Map include Mongoid::Document embeds_many :locations end class Location …
ruby mongodb mongoidI've been struggling to create a form for a Mongoid model that has an array field. I want my form …
ruby-on-rails ruby mongodb mongoid fields-forI had to forcefully shutdown my Ubuntu system after it got hanged. Now I get this error while trying to …
mongoid mongoid3