Edit: This question is not about vanilla MongoDB's show collections
but about mongo-hacker
. See accepted answer and comments.
Using Mongo DB 3.2 + WiredTiger, show collections
displays two sizes: s1 / s2.
show collections
coll_1 → 10.361MB / 1.289MB
coll_2 → 0.000MB / 0.004MB
coll_3 → 0.000MB / 0.016MB
coll_4 → 0.001MB / 0.031MB
My guess is these are:
Is this correct? I couldn't find any reference in the docs.
You can use the below query to get the size of each collections:
var collectionNames = db.getCollectionNames(), stats = [];
collectionNames.forEach(function (n) { stats.push(db[n].stats()); });
for (var c in stats) {
print(stats[c]['ns'] + ": " + stats[c]['size'] + " (" + stats[c]['storageSize'] + ")");