Top "Mongodb-update" questions

Modifies an existing document or documents in a collection.

How to replace substring in mongodb document

I have a lot of mongodb documents in a collection of the form: { .... "URL":"" ..... } I want …

mongodb mongo-shell mongodb-update
MongoDB concatenate strings from two fields into a third field

How do I concatenate values from two string fields and put it into a third one? I've tried this: db.…

mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework string-concatenation mongodb-update
How to add key-value pair to object in MongoDB

If I have a document with the following basic structure: { ... Monday: { a:1, b:2 }, Tuesday: { c:3, d:4 } ... } Am I able to …

mongodb mongodb-update
Default value not set while using Update with Upsert as true

I have the following model for users: var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ name: String, dob: Date, sex: String, photo: String, …

node.js mongodb mongoose mongodb-update
MongoDB: Update property of subarray just updates the first element

The matching element looks like that: { "_id": { "$oid": "519ebd1cef1fce06f90e3157" }, "from": "Tester2", "to": "Tester", "messages": [ { "username": "Tester2", "…

node.js mongodb mongodb-update