This tag is for questions related to querying and updating MongoDB collections, either through the mongo shell or using a programming language driver.
I am new to Mongo Db and would appreciate some help with this query. I have been sifting through posts …
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-frameworkI have a device collection. { "_id" : "10-100-5675234", "_type" : "Device", "alias" : "new Alias name", "claimCode" : "FG755DF8N", "hardwareId" : "SERAIL02", "…
java mongodb mongodb-query mongo-java-driverI am trying to get a specific data model after I run an aggregate pipeline followed by populate but I …
mongodb mongoose mongodb-query aggregation-framework mongoose-populateam using Mongo DB version 3.4 and I have a user in DB C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>mongo …
mongodb mongodb-query mongorestoreI'm writing a query that requires a $lookup between two tables and as I understand it, it's essential that the …
mongodb mongodb-query aggregation-framework mongodb-shellMy mongo documents all contain a field called templateName. There are a few documents that contain the value: a_SystemDefaultTemplate, …
regex mongodb mongodb-query regex-negationI followed this page to see mongoDB queries. As a result I could see Moped log. But I can't see …
ruby-on-rails mongoid mongodb-querySometimes when inserting a small bunch of different document (synchronously), I get the following exception (see full stack trace further …
mongodb mongodb-query've searched and found no Go solution to the problem, not with or without using mgo.v2, not on StackOverflow …
mongodb go pagination mongodb-query mgoI'm querying my database using aggregation and pipeline, with two separate queries: $groups_q = array( '$group' => array( '_…
php codeigniter mongodb mongodb-php mongodb-query