Top "Mongo-jackson-mapper" questions

Efficient POJO mapping to/from Java Mongo DBObject using Jackson

Although similar to Convert DBObject to a POJO using MongoDB Java Driver my question is different in that I am …

java mongodb jackson mongo-jackson-mapper
Jackson JSON Deserialization of MongoDB ObjectId

Ok, so first off here's the JSON that's returning from my web service. I'm trying to deserialize it into pojos …

json jackson mongo-jackson-mapper
@JsonProperty(access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY) not working

While serialization of the class DataType the dbOptions is been ignored but dataType is being printed with its value. Note …

java serialization jackson mongo-jackson-mapper
Jackson ObjectMapper ignore all properties that has no annotation

My target is is to convert jsonObject to Class. I want to add only fields that are anotated in Class. …

java json jackson mongo-jackson-mapper
How to use Jackson ObjectMapper to parse json response to java objects

Here is my Json response "postedevent": [ { "status": "true", "event_id": "800", "num_of_image_event": "0", "title": "Testy", "photo": "…

java android json jackson mongo-jackson-mapper
Using Jackson XML Mapper to get a list

I currently am working with Jackson to read an XML file from an online location, map it to an object …

java json mongodb mongo-jackson-mapper