Top "Model-view-controller" questions

Model–View–Controller (MVC) is an architectural pattern used in software engineering.

Best practices of building a website using Node.js

I was wondering how one would go about developing a website from scratch with Node.js. I understand how I …

javascript node.js model-view-controller
Can't find Entity Data Model template in VS2017

I was trying to create an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017. I need to take an EF …

.net entity-framework model-view-controller visual-studio-2017
How do I fetch a single model in Backbone?

I have a Clock model in Backbone: var Clock = Backbone.Model.extend({}); I'm trying to get an instance of that …

javascript model-view-controller rest backbone.js
MVC Vs n-tier architecture

I was wondering what exactly is the difference between MVC(which is an architectural pattern) and an n-tier architecture for …

model-view-controller n-tier-architecture
What goes into the "Controller" in "MVC"?

I think I understand the basic concepts of MVC - the Model contains the data and behaviour of the application, …

java model-view-controller
what is the difference between 3 tier architecture and a mvc?

what is the difference between 3 tier architecture and a mvc ? Are they same? Both have 3 layers i.e model, views …

model-view-controller architecture three-tier
Where to put model data and behaviour? [tl; dr; Use Services]

I am working with AngularJS for my latest project. In the documentation and tutorials all model data is put into …

javascript model-view-controller angularjs dci
MVC vs. 3-tier architecture?

What is the basic difference between MVC and 3-tier architecture?

model-view-controller three-tier
What means Call to a member function on boolean and how to fix

I'm new with cakePHP 3. I have created a controller and model where I call a function to get all users …

php model-view-controller cakephp-3.0
Is there a JavaScript MVC (micro-)framework?

Are there any client-side JavaScript MVC (micro-)frameworks? I have a rather complicated HTML form, and it would benefit from …

javascript model-view-controller forms