Top "Dci" questions

DCI was invented by Professor Trygve Reenskaug to solve a specific problem in OO code; it's very hard to read OO code for a specific use-case since it is often spread across many different classes, and the control flow between the methods of these classes depend on which objects are instantiated to which variables.

How to use concerns in Rails 4

The default Rails 4 project generator now creates the directory "concerns" under controllers and models. I have found some explanations about …

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-4 dci
Where to put model data and behaviour? [tl; dr; Use Services]

I am working with AngularJS for my latest project. In the documentation and tutorials all model data is put into …

javascript model-view-controller angularjs dci
DCI - Data, Context and Interaction - Successor to MVC?

What is the best description of Data, Context and Interaction (DCI) to pitch it to an organization? It's created by …

design-patterns dci