Top "Mod-jk" questions

mod_jk is the connector used to connect the Tomcat servlet container with web servers using AJP protocol.

Apache httpd 2.2.x + mod_jk 1.2.30 + tomcat 6 Error: Could not find worker with name 'XXXXX' in uri map post processing

I am getting the following error while setting up the load balancer with two Tomcat instances: [info] mod_jk.c (3189): …

apache tomcat6 mod-jk
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET with Apache 2.4 and Chrome

I use an application behind a reverse proxy using Apache 2.4 (mod_jk). When I request some page, it takes forever …

apache jetty reverse-proxy httpd.conf mod-jk
Removing Tomcat context from URLs for a virtual host (mod_jk, mod_rewrite)

I have a single Tomcat instance containing a number of webapps, each accessible via it's /Context. Tomcat is behind httpd (…

apache tomcat mod-rewrite mod-jk virtual-hosts
Apache + Tomcat with mod_jk - Web site hangs

I have a website with apache 1.3(SSL enabled) + mod_jk + tomcat 5.5 on Linux redhad setup. Just recently i started having …

java apache tomcat mod-jk ajp
Apache + Tomcat with mod_jk: maxThread setting upon load balancing

I have Apache + Tomcat setup with mod_jk on 2 servers. Each server has its own Apache+Tomcat pair, and every …

apache tomcat multithreading load-balancing mod-jk
Application successfully deployed on Tomcat, but 404 error

I've deployed, after some struggle, a web-app on a (remote) Tomcat 5.5 server (Turnkey Linux comes with that). It is a …

apache tomcat mod-jk
What is the best way to install Mod_jk on linux to run apache in front of tomcat

I am using Wordpress for my blog and my main project is in java using tomcat server so I want …

apache tomcat mod-jk virtual-hosts
How to use mod_rewrite with Apache -> mod_jk -> tomcat setup?

Related to some of my earlier questions. I now have a setup I quite like; Apache httpd listening on port 80 …

apache tomcat mod-rewrite mod-jk
Apache subdomain redirect into Tomcat

I'm pretty new to Apache HTTP, and sysadmin-ing in general, so i have this question I have a domain (www.…

apache tomcat subdomain mod-proxy mod-jk
What does the error message "all endpoints are disconnected" mean from mod_jk

Does anyone know the meaning of the info message "all endpoints are disconnected, detected by connect check (1), cping (0), send (0)" This …

apache tomcat mod-jk