MKMapView is part of Apple's MapKit framework for developing location-aware iOS applications, and provides an embeddable map interface.
I have two UITextFields which users can enter in a latitude and longitude, these co-ordinates are then used to create …
geolocation gps coordinates mkmapview mkannotationI'm trying to add MKAnnotationView to MKMapView but I can't do it… Can anyone help me? Here is my code: …
mkmapview swift mkannotation mkannotationviewI have an application that needs to have a similar search feature like the Apple "Maps" application (included with iPhone, …
iphone ios cocoa-touch mkmapview mkreversegeocoderIs it possible to change the blue dot which indicates the user's location in MKMapView to an image? For example …
iphone objective-c ios mkmapview userlocationI have latitude and long values and I need to be able to drop a pin at this location. Can …
objective-c mkmapview mkannotation mkannotationviewI am looking at Apple's MapCallouts example for map annotations and callouts (==bubbles that appear when you click on a …
iphone mkmapview mkannotationI am able to place annotations on my MKMapView by using latitude and longitude, however, my feed coming in that …
ios mkmapview geocoding core-location cllocationmanagerthe question is - is there a way to limit maximum zoom level for MKMapView? Or is there a way …
iphone mkmapview zoomI have a square MKMapView in my app, and I wish to set a center point and the exact height/…
ios mkmapview mkcoordinateregion mkmaprectI am showing the current location in MKMapView by using showUserLocation enables. I also want to center the mapview to …
iphone ios mkmapview