Top "Mips" questions

MIPS is a RISC instruction set architecture (ISA).

What does rt stands for in MIPS instruction format?

Take MIPS instruction format described here, there are some abbreviations eg rd,rs and rt. What does rt stands for? …

mips abbreviation
Why do we use .globl main in MIPS assembly language?

.text .globl main .ent main I don't know what .globl and .ent do. What is the role? Do I need …

assembly mips
Why is QtSPIM telling me "Label is defined for the second time"?

I am brand new to learning MIPS assembly code, and we got our first coding assignment. I am getting an …

assembly mips spim
How to Display String array in MIPS

This is a very beginner program in MIPS programming in which I am trying to take input from user and …

string assembly mips mips32 pcspim
MIPS floating-point: swc1 vs. s.s

I'm doing some work involving MIPS assembly, and I keep coming across these four floating-point load/store pseudoinstructions: l.s, …

assembly floating-point mips
How do I disassemble raw MIPS code?

Similarly to How do I disassemble raw x86 code?, but then for the MIPS architecture: how do I disassemble raw …

linux assembly mips objdump
Implementing jump register control to single-cycle MIPS

I am trying to implement jr (jump register) instruction support to a single-cycle MIPS processor. In the following image, I've …

mips processor organization circuit
MIPS range of jump instruction

I am reading the book 'Computer Organization and Design' by Patterson and Hennessy and got interested in MIPS. I have …

Difference between load word and move?

What is the difference between ldw r8,0(r4) and mov r8, r4 Load word says "copy from memory" but when …

assembly mips nios
How to implement NOT operation in MIPS?

I am new in MIPS, and I am trying to judge whether each char in a string is an alpha. …

mips mips32