Top "Meta" questions

Meta elements are the HTML or XHTML <meta … > element used to provide structured metadata about a Web page.

Meta tags for URL with description and image (In Skype, Discord)

When somone send link in Skype or Discord, it can create image and description, like is shown on screenshots: I …

html discord meta skype
Is it possible to use the same meta tag for opengraph and

I dont like the amount of tags in the head of my document. here is an example of some meta …

html seo facebook-opengraph meta
"Bad value expires for attribute http-equiv on element meta"

Ok so I have been using the wrong code for I don't know how long now - it seems that &…

html meta w3c-validation http-equiv
How to use meta tag to declare http Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Access-Control-Allow-Origin is typically declared as an HTTP header to enable a browser to fetch content from remote domains. Is it …

html cross-domain meta cross-domain-policy
Why does meta refresh not work in Firefox?

My page contains this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=…

html firefox meta page-refresh
Javascript redirect, fastest way to do it?

I'm using javascript and localStorage to redirect. But I have found that there are a lot of ways to do …

javascript jquery html redirect meta
Adding google fonts ( to CSP header

I am hosting a personal project on gitHub pages, and using cloudflare to enforce https. Now I would like to …

html meta content-security-policy
Where and How to set Vary: User-Agent HTTP Header

According to Search Engine Land and many other sources, if you're designing "Dynamic Serving" mobile content for your site, you …

php .htaccess http meta vary
Zoom issue in iPhone for iOS 10

Is there any viewport meta tag available for iOS 10 ? I am facing zoom issue on my iPhone. I am using &…

iphone zooming viewport meta ios10
Wordpress - meta_query - Possible to use multiple or nested meta_query arguments?

I am using wordpress' meta_query to try to build a basic events system. Each event has a number of …

wordpress logic meta custom-fields