Meta elements are the HTML or XHTML <meta … > element used to provide structured metadata about a Web page.
I dont like the amount of tags in the head of my document. here is an example of some meta …
html seo facebook-opengraph meta schema.orgOk so I have been using the wrong code for I don't know how long now - it seems that &…
html meta w3c-validation http-equivAccess-Control-Allow-Origin is typically declared as an HTTP header to enable a browser to fetch content from remote domains. Is it …
html cross-domain meta cross-domain-policyMy page contains this: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=…
html firefox meta page-refreshI'm using javascript and localStorage to redirect. But I have found that there are a lot of ways to do …
javascript jquery html redirect metaI am hosting a personal project on gitHub pages, and using cloudflare to enforce https. Now I would like to …
html meta content-security-policyI am using wordpress' meta_query to try to build a basic events system. Each event has a number of …
wordpress logic meta custom-fields