Top "Mercator" questions

The Mercator projection is a popular map projection, though it distorts the size and shape of large objects, as the scale increases from the Equator to the poles.

Convert latitude/longitude point to a pixels (x,y) on mercator projection

I'm trying to convert a lat/long point into a 2d point so that I can display it on an …

java math maps 2d mercator
how to Convert Lat ,long to an XY coordinate system (e.g. UTM) and then map this to pixel space of my Image

I have a very small area map , which I downloaded from Openstreet map(PNG) and also its OSM(.osm) file …

c++ openstreetmap mercator
OpenLayers : How to calculate distance between two points?

How can one calculate the distance in OpenLayers between 2 points using Mercator projection? Thanks

openlayers distance points mercator