Top "Menu" questions

A menu is a user interface mechanism that provides the user a means to view and execute application operations.

Delphi 2010 Action Manager & Main Menu Bar

I'm trying to use the Action Manager and Action Main Menu Bar in Delphi 2010 an I have no idea how …

delphi menu delphi-2010 vcl menubar
QT How to remove the action menu item

when i add the widget to the main window, by default the action menu item will be present, how to …

qt qt4 menu symbian contextmenu
Active menu item on page scroll

I used this type of menu on my "one page" site: <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li class="…

javascript jquery html menu onepage-scroll
How to add submenu to a CMenu in MFC?

I have an MFC app that uses CMenu for the main menu bar. I haven't been able to create submenus …

c++ mfc menu submenu cmenu
How can I build a simple menu in Perl?

I'm working on a Perl script that requires some basic menu functionality. Ultimately I would like each menu to have …

perl user-interface oop menu submenu
FullPage.js - add active class to menu anchor when on a nonematching section

Okay, the title might be a bit hard to understand, I'll try and explain. So I'm using fullpage.js I …

jquery menu fullpage.js
HTML – Show menu on hover

I want to show a menu when the navigation item is hovered. According to my design, the menu is absolute …

html css menu mousehover
Wordpress: CSS keeping menu item active when inside child pages

I've been at it for a couple of hours now and still can't figure it out. I want the About …

css wordpress menu submenu
Joomla 3 get parent title of active menu item

I found on this thread : get active menu item title how to get the title of active menu item : $menu = &…

php menu joomla3.0 menu skiplink

The ASP.NET menu creates a skiplink which has 0x19 size and it is invisible in explorer, but it is … menu indentation