Okay, the title might be a bit hard to understand, I'll try and explain.
So I'm using fullpage.js
I have in total 9 sections: Home About(about has 6 "undersections" that is a continuation of the first about section) Contact
In the menu there are only 3 navigation options Home, about, contact. I've made the menu so that the active class is added when on corresponding section - as simply done with ready made options. When I scroll and leave the first about section the active class is remove and the menu item is not highlighted. So here's the thing I want the active class to remain on all the "undersections" of about. So the menu item "About" is highlighted until the contact section.
I thought I'd make it work with some "outside" JS so depending on the url the class would be added to the anchor with id "all-about":
$(document).ready(function () {
if (location.href.match(/#about1/ig) || location.href.match(/#about2/ig)){
This does not work. What in the fullpage JS would I change or how to change my code to work?
I would make use of the plugin callbacks to achieve that.
You could make use of afterLoad
with something like this:
slidesColor: ['red', 'blue'],
afterLoad: function(anchor, index){
var activeItem;
if(index == 1 || index == 2 || index == 3){
activeItem = $('#menu').find('li').first()
activeItem = $('#menu').find('li').last()
Note that I'm not using the menu
option anymore to handle the active class as I wish.