Top "Member-function-pointers" questions

A pointer to a member function of a C++ class.

Passing member function pointer to member object in c++

I have a problem with using a pointer to function in C++. Here is my example: #include <iostream> …

c++ function-pointers member-function-pointers
C++ inheritance and member function pointers

In C++, can member function pointers be used to point to derived (or even base) class members? EDIT: Perhaps an …

c++ inheritance oop member-function-pointers
Invalid use of non-static member function c++

I am following this example. But when I compile, it returns an error: Invalid use of non-static member function at …

c++ function-pointers member-function-pointers
C++ Pointer to virtual function

If you have a struct like this one struct A { void func(); }; and a reference like this one A& …

c++ function-pointers virtual-functions member-function-pointers
C++: Function pointer to functions with variable number of arguments

I'm trying to figure out a way of how to be able to assign a function pointer to functions with …

c++ function function-pointers member-function-pointers
Pointers to virtual member functions. How does it work?

Consider the following C++ code: class A { public: virtual void f()=0; }; int main() { void (A::*f)()=&A::f; } If …

c++ virtual member-function-pointers
C++ Map of string and member function pointer

Hey so I am making a map with string as the key and a member function pointer as the value. …

c++ map member-function-pointers
boost::bind & boost::function pointers to overloaded or templated member functions

I have a callback mechanism, the classes involved are: class App { void onEvent(const MyEvent& event); void onEvent(const …

c++ templates boost member-function-pointers
Get the return type of a method from a member function pointer

I'm trying to declare a variable so that its type is the same as the return type of a member …

c++ typetraits member-function-pointers decltype
Object-Oriented Callbacks for C++?

Is there some library that allows me to easily and conveniently create Object-Oriented callbacks in c++? the language Eiffel for …

c++ oop callback member-function-pointers eiffel