Top "Megabyte" questions

A megabyte is a unit of size of computer memory or storage.

Does .NET provide an easy way convert bytes to KB, MB, GB, etc.?

Just wondering if .NET provides a clean way to do this: int64 x = 1000000; string y = null; if (x / 1024 == 0) { y = x + " …

c# .net byte megabyte
How to correctly convert filesize in bytes into mega or gigabytes?

I'm using the DriveInfo class in my C# project to retrieve the available bytes on given drives. How to I …

c# byte disk driveinfo megabyte
MySQL Convert Bytes to Kilobytes, Megabytes, Gigabytes

I have a logs table that stores various file sizes in bytes. I want to be able to query the …

mysql byte filesize megabyte
1 Mbit = ? bytes

I always get confused about this. Is there a "standard" conversion of Megabits to bytes? Is it: 1 Megabit == 1,000,000 bits == 125,000 bytes …

standards bits megabyte