Top "Mediaelement.js" questions


HTML5 video won't play in Chrome only

some background I've tested my video in FF and Safari (including iDevices) and it plays properly, but it will not …

html google-chrome html5-video mediaelement.js
Autoplay MediaElementPlayer

I want that when web site page loaded play video automatically. I referenced to jquery.js, mediaelementplayer.js and mediaelementplayar.…

How to make a video fullscreen when it is placed inside an iframe?

I'm using the default settings for my mediaelement.js player, and my initialization is very basic: $('video').mediaelementplayer(); My question …

html iframe mediaelement.js
HTML5 video element request stay pending forever (on chrome)

I have a weird issue in Chrome. Each time I load a <video> element, chrome will start two …

html google-chrome html5-video mediaelement.js video.js
Specified "type" attribute of "video/mp4" is not supported

I am using mediaelement js.. on my .htacces I have these.. AddType video/mp4 mp4 m4v AddType audio/mp4 …

html video html5-video mediaelement.js webm
Make MediaElement.js fill its container and fullscreen

I have an absolutely positioned div and I want MediaElement.js to fill it with a video. The size of …

mediaelement.js and custom playlist

I have such code (for example): <script> $('audio').mediaelementplayer(); </script> <audio id="mejs" controls="controls"&…

mediaelement.js playlist playlists
How to call a function on video end ? (HTML5 and mediaelementjs)

i am using mediaelementjs for playing video on my website but i need to call some function at the END/…

javascript jquery html mediaelement mediaelement.js
How to play google drive mp3 file using html audio tag?

My aim is to play the mp3 file from the google drive. I am using the plugin MediaElement js. The …

cross-browser google-drive-api html5-audio mediaelement.js
Mediaelement.js - Would like to Remove ALL Controls - Only Display Video

I am trying to replace my swf header in my webpage with mp4. I like MediaElement.js but I can't …
