How to play google drive mp3 file using html audio tag?

sans picture sans · Sep 4, 2015 · Viewed 15.7k times · Source

My aim is to play the mp3 file from the google drive. I am using the plugin MediaElement js. The reference I got is This is working in chrome, Mozilla firefox but not in IE-11, safari and opera. I want this to be play in all browsers. Please give me the suggestions....


ivsuleman picture ivsuleman · Feb 25, 2019

1. URL for the audio file (anyone can view)

2. Extract the id from URL 1nQklEicsMeGBnuk0vv6zkHtXtyGy10S-

3. URL for playing the audio file

4. URL for downloading the audio file

5. HTML for playing audio:

<audio controls="controls">
  <source src="">

6. HTML for downloading audio:

<a href=""/>Download