Top "Max" questions

Maximum value.

No max(x,y) function in Access

VBA for Access lacks a simple Max(x,y) function to find the mathematical maximum of two or more values. …

vba ms-access max worksheet-function
‘numeric_limits’ was not declared in this scope, no matching function for call to ‘max()’

I compiled this code at home on my mac w/ xcode and there was no provblem. I compile it at …

c++ max ignore cin numeric-limits
How to store a string var greater than varchar(max)?

I'm trying to do this: DECLARE @myVar VARCHAR(MAX) Loop with cursor select @myVar = @myVar + bla bla bla end loop …

sql sql-server-2005 max varchar string-concatenation
MySQL: get MAX or GREATEST of several columns, but with NULL fields

I'm trying to select the max date in three different fields in each record (MySQL) So, in each row, I …

mysql null max
Python: take max N elements from some list

Is there some function which would return me the N highest elements from some list? I.e. if max(l) …

python max
Octave position of maximum value in column

I want to find the argmax of the values in a matrix by column, e.g.: 1 2 3 2 3 3 4 5 6 -> 3 7 8 I feel …

position max octave argmax
How can I find the maximum or minimum of a multi-dimensional matrix in MATLAB?

I have a 4D array of measurements in MATLAB. Each dimension represents a different parameter for the measurement. I want …

matlab multidimensional-array indexing max min
Finding max value in the second column of a nested list?

I have a list like this: alkaline_earth_values = [['beryllium', 4], ['magnesium', 12], ['calcium', 20], ['strontium', 38], ['barium', 56], ['radium', 88]] If I simply use the …

python list nested element max
What's the difference between the pair of functions floor()/ceil() and min()/max()?

I would say all programming languages have functions with these names to choose the lesser or greater of two values: …

max min floor ceil
How would you define a simple "min" method in obj-c

I want to define a min and max methods in a Utils class. @interface Utils int min(int a, int …

c objective-c methods max min