Maven best practice for creating ad hoc zip artifact

chad picture chad · Oct 20, 2011 · Viewed 47.1k times · Source

Assume that I need to manage an artifact that consists of an aribtrary folder / file structure rolled up as a zip archive. It's not clear to me how to accomplish this in Maven in a way that best fits "the Maven way."

I know that there is no "zip" packaging type. Does this mean there is no generic lifecycle in Maven to simply take what I have in the resources folder, zip it up, and install/deploy it to my repositories?

I'm looking for options, with evaluations of how each option satisifies my requirement to follow the maven way, as I do not wish to incur the obvious penalities of straying from the golden path . . .


Alexander Pogrebnyak picture Alexander Pogrebnyak · Oct 20, 2011

Decide what classifier you will use for your zip file, for sake of argument let's say it would be sample.

In your project create file assembly/sample.xml

Fill in assembly/sample.xml with something like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- use this section if you want to package dependencies -->

Add this to your pom's build section


As a result it should create and install

I suggest you read chapter on assemblies from Sonatype's maven book:

Also, read assembly format specification: