Unpack inner zips in zip with Maven

khmarbaise picture khmarbaise · Jul 16, 2010 · Viewed 34.1k times · Source

I can unpack zip file via the maven-dependency plugin, but currently I have the problem that inside that zip file other zip files are include and I need to unpack them as well. How can I do this?


Boris Pavlović picture Boris Pavlović · Jul 16, 2010

You can unzip any files using ant task runner plugin:

                    <echo message="prepare phase" />
                    <unzip src="zips/archive.zip" dest="output/" />
                    <unzip src="output/inner.zip" dest="output/" />
                    <unzip dest="output">
                      <fileset dir="archives">
                        <include name="prefix*.zip" />