Maven OpenSAML dependency issue

Craig picture Craig · Dec 13, 2012 · Viewed 8.3k times · Source

I have been assigned a task to implement SAML between my company and a client. I was looking at using OpenSAML but I am struggling to set up the maven project.

I add the dependency:


but the pom file has an error: Missing artifact xerces:xml-apis:jar:1.4.01

I cant find this dependency in the maven repository. When checking the OpenSAML site it states:

Using OpenSAML in Maven-based Projects

Following is the information necessary to use OpenSAML within Maven-based projects. Maven Repository: Group ID: org.opensaml Artifact ID: opensaml

But when i configure that respository in my pom file, it still cant find the dependency.


Has anyone got OpenSAML set up in Maven that can help?


Yogesh Chawla picture Yogesh Chawla · Dec 14, 2012

Have you also added the xmltooling and openws dependencies to your POM file from the repository:



The xmltooling should have the xerces xml-api that is missing.

Thanks, Yogesh