Maven skip site/reporting for module

babernathy picture babernathy · May 25, 2012 · Viewed 12.4k times · Source

I have a multi-module project and in the parent pom, I have several reporting plug-ins defined. Some of the modules contain code that does not need to have the reporting plugins run against them and I do not need them included in the generated site. Is there a way I can tell Maven to ignore them at the parent pom level?


Based on ajozwik's answer I added the skip configuration. My POMs now look like the following...




When I execute:

mvn clean package site

The build succeeds and the client's target directory does not contain the generated site. When I run:

mvn clean package site site-stage

In order to stage the site, it stages the site correctly. Without the skipDeploy tag, the staging would fail...


Andrzej Jozwik picture Andrzej Jozwik · May 31, 2012

Have you tried (in child pom)?:


Update. You can use property to redefine default behavior. Keep your children poms simple.
In parent pom set (pluginManagement or plugins section)



In parent pom just redefine maven-site-plugin.skip:
