Top "Maven-site-plugin" questions

The Maven Site Plugin is used to generate a site for the project.

Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:

Trying to generate mvn site with maven 3 fails and I cannot get why. Calling the site generation with: mvn3 -e …

maven maven-3 pom.xml maven-site-plugin
Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for

The maven build for the project gives the warning message: [WARNING] [WARNING] Some …

Non-resolvable parent POM: When building Maven 3 Project Site

I am currently facing the following problem with Maven 3 when I am trying to build the site. I will appreciate …

maven-3 maven-site-plugin
Multi module POM - creating a site that works

I have a multi module application, and I’m trying to generate a Maven site for this app. I have …

maven maven-site-plugin
How to use markdown for maven project site?

How to start with project documentation using maven and markdown markup language? Maven site default is APT, which is uncomfortable …

maven markdown maven-site-plugin
Maven skip site/reporting for module

I have a multi-module project and in the parent pom, I have several reporting plug-ins defined. Some of the modules …

maven maven-site-plugin
How to fix broken sub-module links in Maven Site for multi-module project?

I am creating a Maven Site for a 3-level multi-module maven project which is structured like this: parent child-a child-b …

maven maven-site-plugin
Maven site warning: The repository url '' is invalid

I’m using Maven 3.2.3 on a multi-module project. I want to generate a checkstyle and findbugs report, so I have …

maven url repository maven-site-plugin
How to us Maven PDF Plugin to generate PDF from Surefire Report?

after running my JUnit tests I use the Maven Surefire Report plugin ( to generate …

pdf report maven-surefire-plugin maven-site-plugin maven-pdf-plugin
Maven site (Maven 3) generates empty site folder

I'm attempting to create a basic maven site using the maven site plugin. So I added this to my pom: &…

java maven javadoc maven-javadoc-plugin maven-site-plugin